The Coffin Maker
In this new installment of his century-spanning chronicle of the Black experience inspired by his mentor August Wilson, Pittsburgh theater legend Mark Clayton Southers turns back the clock to 1849 Oklahoma. There, free man Lawrence Ebitt and his wife Eula live peacefully preparing bodies for burial with care and respect, until their world is turned upside down by a bounty hunter who gets more than he bargained for and a fugitive determined to forge his own future. This Western-Comedy-Revenge play is a genre-defying world premiere spiked with heart-stopping revelations.
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit
THE COFFIN MAKER is rated MA (Mature Audiences). Parental guidance strongly suggested for viewers 17 and under.
THE COFFIN MAKER | Pittsburgh Public Theater
In this new installment of his century-spanning chronicle of the Black experience inspired by his mentor August Wilson, Pittsburgh theater legend Mark Clayton Southers turns back the clock to 1849 Oklahoma. There, free man Lawrence Ebitt and his wife Eula live peacefully preparing bodies for buri...
Meet the Artist: Mark Clayton Southers
This Pittsburgh theater legend, inspired by his mentor August Wilson, is in the midst of a cycle of his own about Black experiences in America -- The Coffin Maker is his seventh installment.
Meet the Artist: Bill Toles | Sound Designer
Get a look into the mind of sound designer Bill Toles, who crafted the sonic landscape in The Coffin Maker at Pittsburgh Public Theater. Available on demand until July 14.
Inside THE COFFIN MAKER with historian Dr. Alaina Roberts
Learn the real history behind Pittsburgh Public Theater's THE COFFIN MAKER with historian and writer Dr. Alaina Roberts from the University of Pittsburgh, whose book "I've Been Here All the While: Black Freedom on Native Land," explores the real-life history that brought many Black people to pres...